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G.O.A.L is a day/vocational rehabilitation program for young adults with autism in Toledo Ohio.

The program will be a "green" concept because the participants will have the opportunity to work in a greenhouse, community garden, and reusing, refurbishing and repurposing items. They will have the opportunity to develop a personal microenterprise business related to a green business idea or an area of their own choosing. The participants will also have the opportunity to work in the community with appropriate visual, social, or job coaching supports as needed. Green Options for Independence will focus on teaching self determination and social interaction skills so participants can choose their own programming options while increasing self esteem. 

Program Highlights
This program differentiates itself from other programs in philosophy, programming, and training and qualifications of staff. The philosophy is one of empowerment of the participants, teaching them functional life and job skills. The programming will be using technology and video modeling to teach independence, scheduling, and communication skills as well as project based learning. 

The participants will use personal technology with timed schedules to inspire independence and communication, which is a significant barrier for people with autism. They will also use communication apps to increase language. 

The director, Barbara J. Sabin, M.Ed., has a B.A. in Business, and a Masters Degree in Special Education and 15 years teaching students with autism as well as supervising a school for children with autism for 9 years. She also has a 20 year old son with autism who is the inspiration and driving force behind this venture.


Job Brochure
Program brochure
Program Application
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